Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Idiot Poker

When I was a kid, I used to play a game called Idiot Poker. It is the height of simplicity. Each player gets one card, dealt face down. Without looking at the card, you press it against your forehead, so that all the other players can see it. In this manner, you bet on whether or not you think you have the best card. All you have to go on is everyone else's cards -- and how they react to your card.
You know, as we begin a new year, I cannot help but that this year (and most likely every year) is the Year of Idiot Poker. What do I really know about myself? Precious little, except for what I can glean in the eyes of those whom I meet. And how often do we want to believe them? Indeed, how often should we believe them? Sure, they can see my card, but they are trying to protect their own cards at the same time.
Sometimes I wonder how any of us can ever connect with anyone else.....
